Jeremy Yeaton
Jeremy Yeaton
Jeremy Yeaton
Aligning psycholinguistics, neuroscience, and aphasiology with respect to grammatical encoding
An objective coding scheme for grammatical production deficits in aphasia reveals a categorical divide between agrammatism and paragrammatism
The neurobiology of sentence production: A narrative review and meta-analysis
Sentence superiority in the reading brain
Simple questions on simple associations: regularity extraction in non-human primates
Gender-inclusive language as a Rational Speech Act in Spanish
Parallel word reading revealed by fixation-related brain potentials
The Neurobiology of Syntax
The prosody of French ambiguous multiple negative sentences
Simple questions on simple associations: Regularity extraction in Papio papio
Error detection and correction among adults with aphasia in a naming task
Are you smarter than a Guinea Baboon?
Positional cueing, string location variability, and letter-in-string identification
Activation of syntax-sensitive structures in the reading brain
Parafoveal-on-foveal repetition effects in sentence reading: A co-registered eye-tracking and electroencephalogram study
Visual processing of verb-second (V2) word order in second language acquisition: ERP Evidence from French-Swedish successive bilinguals
English negative concord and double negation: The division of labor between syntax and pragmatics
French negative concord and discord: An experimental investigation of contextual and prosodic disambiguation
The Roles of Context and Prosody in Disambiguating Utterances with Two Negative Expressions in French