
I’m a PhD student in Language Science at the University of California, Irvine. I’m generally interested in how language–particularly syntax–is stored, structured, and processed in the brain. My main question is whether sentence production and comprehension rely on identical, distinct, or partially shared neural systems. I use a mixed-methods approach which involves a combination of quantitative, qualitative, computational, and neuroimaging methods. I am advised by Greg Hickok at UC Irvine, and William Matchin at the University of South Carolina.

I am looking for postdoc positions in the cognitive neurobiology of language to start fall 2025. If you think that I would be a good fit for your lab, please send me an email!


  • Syntactic deficits in aphasia
  • Sentence production
  • Neurobiology of syntactic processing
  • Open science


  • PhD in Language Science, 2025 (Anticipated)

    University of California, Irvine

  • MA in Language Science, 2023

    University of California, Irvine

  • MSc in Cognitive Sciences, 2019

    Ecole Normale Supérieure - Paris

  • BA in Linguistics and French, 2016

    Rutgers University - New Brunswick